March Recap:
We studied Africa, Dinosaurs, and Dr. Seuss in March and celebrated St. Patrick's Day. We enjoyed all the books the children brought in for the teachers to read. During enrichments in March, we read several books in Spanish, made "green eggs and ham," and enjoyed creating moves to African music. St. Patrick's day was a huge success. The teachers and children enjoyed all the green festivities.
April News:
We are looking forward to an EXPLOSIVE month full of knowledge and adventure. Our focus in April is the Planet Earth, Australia, New Zealand, The Pacific Islands, and Volcanos. There will be several discussions and projects about volcanos.
Our school is very excited to study, discuss and read about nature and the importance of caring for planet earth. Earth Day is Friday, April 21st and we want to help create awareness of the environment and how we treat nature. Each classroom will make something out of recycled materials, so please let your child's teacher know if you would like to bring something in from home. Our annual egg hunt and spring party will be held on Monday, April 10th. We can't wait for this month's activities.
Half Day: 8:00am – 12:00pm M-F
Full Day: 9:00am – 3:30pm M-F
Extended Day: 7:00am – 6:00pm M-F
Montessori School Of San Clemente
Montessori School of San Clemente